Get a Risk Assessment and Discover How to Protect Your Business

Staying aware of business risks is crucial if you own a business. Risk assessments can reveal these risks so you can prepare and avoid threats that might disrupt your business. The Brent Young Agency, LLC team in Manchester, CT, offers these risk assessment tips.

Steps for Conducting a Risk Assessment

Step 1: Identify Potential Threats

Identify potential threats, such as failing technology, weather, and employee misconduct. Consider possible infrastructure damage, which could impact your ability to continue normal operations.

Step 2: Assess the Probability of Those Threats

Rank risks unlikely to occur as zero, somewhat likely threats as 2-4, and very likely threats as five. Record these numbers for each potential threat.

Step 3: Establish the Severity of Any Threats

Consider the potential damage of the listed risks. For instance, in a storm or other significant incident, would it damage only one floor of the building or the entire structure? Assign a severity rank from 0 (low) to 5 (high).

Step 4: Calculate Your Overall Threat Risk Value

After scoring the severity and probability of each threat, multiply these two values to determine your overall threat risk value. If the score is between 17 and 25, prepare to address these issues as soon as possible.

Step 5: Consult an Insurance Agent

Speak with one of our experienced agents at Brent Young Agency, LLC in Manchester, CT. They can provide you with a risk review, look at your current policies, ask questions, and suggest any additional policies to ensure you have the right insurance coverage. Contact us today to learn more.

Swimming Pools and Home Insurance: What You Need to Know

Getting a pool on your property is a great way to spend more time with your family and increase your home value. However, there are some insurance considerations you should be aware of. At the Brent Young Agency LLC, serving Manchester, CT, we want to ensure you know all the details before investing in a pool. 

Insurance Will Cover Your Pool

There are a lot of misconceptions about pools. You should know that your homeowners’ insurance will cover your pool. A swimming pool on your property can be a lot of fun, but it increases liability risk. A property with a pool will have slightly higher insurance premiums than one that doesn’t have a pool. 

Inform Your Insurance Company

If you already have a homeowners’ policy and you decide to have a pool installed on your property, you’ll need to inform your insurance company as quickly as possible. Your policy will need to be updated, as a pool will change many details. 

Make Your Pool a Safe Place

It would be best if you also did everything possible to make your pool safe. This will first and foremost include putting a security fence around the pool. The fence should have a lock that can only be opened by an authorized person. You want to ensure there are no other structures around the fence that would make it possible for someone to climb over either. 

These are just a few things to consider regarding pools and your homeowners’ insurance policy. If you’d like to learn more, please contact us today at Brent Young Agency LLC, serving Manchester, CT, and the surrounding areas. 

What You Need to Know When a Hurricane Threatens and How to Prepare

When a hurricane threatens the Manchester, CT area, understanding the risks and preparing adequately can significantly improve your safety and minimize damage. Hurricanes can bring powerful winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, all of which can cause extensive damage to property and lives.

Understanding Hurricane Risks

Hurricanes can cause several hazards, including high winds, flooding, storm surges, and tornadoes. High winds can uproot trees, damage buildings, and destroy power lines. Heavy rainfall often leads to flooding, particularly in low-lying areas, while storm surges can inundate coastal regions, causing significant damage. Understanding the potential impact on your area can help you plan and take appropriate measures.

Preparing Your Home

Securing your home is a critical step in hurricane preparation. Start by checking your home’s exterior for vulnerabilities and reinforcing weak points like doors, windows, and the roof. Ensure your gutters and drains are clear to prevent water accumulation and trim back branches and shrubs. If you live in a flood-prone area, consider using sandbags to divert water from your property.

Creating an Emergency Plan

Having a well-thought-out emergency plan is essential. Ensure all family members understand the evacuation routes and have a designated meeting point. Assemble emergency kits with water, non-perishable food, medications, important documents, flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit. Keep a list of emergency contacts and local shelters handy.

Staying Informed

Stay updated with weather reports and heed warnings from local authorities. Reliable sources of information include the National Weather Service, local news channels, and official social media accounts. Understanding the hurricane’s projected path and intensity can help you decide when to evacuate or take shelter.

Brent Young Agency LLC Is Here For You

Brent Young Agency LLC is here for you when you need insurance information. Our services are available in Manchester, CT, and the surrounding areas. Call today.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Because Not Everyone Has Auto Insurance

If you’re a responsible driver, it’s hard to believe that some people drive without coverage. As shocking as it is, up to one in eight drivers doesn’t have auto insurance. If they hit you, you could be left footing the bill for repairs to your vehicle. At Brent Young Agency LLC in Manchester, CT, we offer uninsured motorist coverage to prevent this from happening.

Everyone Has Insurance, Right? Wrong!

You may wonder how drivers can operate a vehicle without insurance. The truth is they can’t do so legally. However, around 15% of drivers do it anyway. Often, these individuals can’t afford coverage or can’t find insurance due to poor driving records. Chances are, then, they aren’t going to worry about whether you can afford the damage they cause.

What’s the Point of Having Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage usually covers damages caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers. If you or your car gets banged up, that’s the time you’ll appreciate adding this option to your auto insurance policy. Are you still paying off your vehicle? Your lender will probably require this coverage to protect their investment. Typically, it handles damages or medical bills up to your regular policy limits.

What’s the Difference Between Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

While some drivers have no insurance, others carry minimal auto insurance. Underinsured motorist insurance covers additional costs exceeding the responsible party’s coverage limits. Underinsured and uninsured motorist insurance is usually included in the policy option. Your insurance agent can help you determine your coverage limits.

Are You Ready to Add Uninsured Motorists to Your Policy?

Whether you want to review your existing coverage or add uninsured motorist insurance to your policy, we can help. Contact the Brent Young Agency LLC team in Manchester, CT, to schedule an appointment for a free quote or more information about uninsured motorist coverage.

Which Types of Commercial Insurance Does Your Business Need?

Owning a business comes with a never-ending list of responsibilities. One of the most important things is to have the kinds of commercial insurance you need. The specific policies that your business needs depend on many factors of your business, such as whether you have employees and what you sell. When you need to know which types of commercial insurance would be helpful for your business, we’re here to help. Give us a call at Brent Young Agency LLC in Manchester, CT.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance 

This is an essential type of commercial insurance if you have any employees. You likely won’t have to get this coverage if you’re a sole proprietor or work only with contract workers. However, when you employ someone, you’re responsible for the damages done if they have an accident. This coverage pays for those expenses, including the steep medical bills and the employee’s lost wages. 

Cyber Insurance

If you use a computer system in your business, you probably need cyber insurance. This is a form of commercial protection in case there is a major computer problem, like a data breach. These messes can take a lot of money to clean up, and this type of policy can help with those expenses. If you have employees and customers whose data you keep, it’s especially important to have this type of commercial insurance. 

Premises Liability Insurance 

If customers, clients, or anyone else has access to your place of business, you’re responsible for their safety while they’re there. When you have this coverage, it protects you against your liability for injuries that happen on your premises. 

Get Commercial Insurance for Your Business

When it’s time to protect your business with the right insurance, contact Brent Young Agency LLC in Manchester, CT. 

Four rules to follow when you buy home insurance

As a homeowner, you must purchase an insurance policy to protect you and your property financially. We at Brent Young Agency LLC offer home insurance coverage for homeowners in Manchester, CT.

The following are four rules to follow when you buy home insurance. 

Learn as much as you can about home insurance providers in your area

The insurance provider you choose to buy your coverage from is an important consideration. Select an insurance provider you can rely on for quality service.

Ask fellow homeowners you know in your area for recommendations, and be sure to check out insurance providers’ websites before choosing a policy. 

Knowing what coverage your property needs

There are certain types of coverage that you’ll have to have added to your policy specifically. For example, you’ll need to add flood coverage if you want because standard home insurance doesn’t include coverage for flood damage.

Please find out about coverage types that aren’t automatically included in your policy and consider whether you need them for your home. 

Update your home insurance coverage down the road.

You might eventually add an addition to your home or invest in another type of home improvement. Home improvements can increase a home’s value, which in turn increases the amount of home insurance coverage you need.

Be sure to review your policy once in a while. Consider whether you need to increase or reduce the amount of coverage you’re getting so that your home insurance coverage is both adequate and cost-effective. 

Call Brent Young Agency LLC today to get a quote on an insurance policy for your property in Manchester, CT. 

Build a Hurricane Readiness Kit

At Brent Young Agency LLC, we highly value the safety of our Manchester, CT neighbors. This is particularly important during the hurricane season. We’ve developed a guide to assembling a hurricane readiness kit. Though June 1st, the opening day of the Atlantic hurricane season, may feel like a while away, it’s important to prepare early. The 2023 Tropical Storm Arlene is a perfect example of a storm striking even before the start of the hurricane season.

Building an Emergency Kit

Hurricanes do not adhere to official schedules, so preparation must be done early. It’s ideal to have a preparedness kit for both your home and your vehicle. Here are some essentials you should consider:

  • You need a three-day supply of water for evacuation, a gallon per person per day, or a two-week supply if you decide to shelter in place.
  • A three-day supply of non-perishable food for evacuation, such as Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), and a two-week supply for shelter-in-place are recommended.
  • Can opener
  • Multipurpose tool, like a Swiss Army knife
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Hand-crank or battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio
  • First aid kit
  • Medications and medical devices
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Bath towels
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape for emergency patching
  • Scissors and work gloves
  • Copies of personal documents and prescriptions
  • Cell phone with charger and an extra battery
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Cash
  • Extra fuel for your generator and automobile

If you have infants, be sure to include formula, extra diapers, and a comforting blanket. Also, remember your pets’ needs: pack their food, water, medications, and toys.

At Brent Young Agency LLC, we are committed to ensuring your safety during hurricane seasons. Now’s the perfect time to check your hurricane insurance coverage. We serve Manchester, CT, and the surrounding area with comprehensive hurricane insurance to maintain their financial security in the wake of these storms. So start building your preparedness kit today and make sure you have suitable insurance coverage in place as well.

Do You Know the Penalties for Driving Within Insurance?

Understanding the Importance of Auto Insurance

Driving without appropriate auto insurance coverage exposes you to risks, including damages and liability. If you reside in the Manchester, CT area, rely on Brent Young Agency LLC to meet your auto insurance needs. In Connecticut, all motorists must show proof of at least a minimum amount of auto insurance to acquire a driver’s license.

Consequences of Failing to Provide Proof of Insurance

Law enforcement officers can request proof of auto insurance during a stop. If you fail to produce proof, you risk suspension of your insurance and vehicle registration. Moreover, an uninsured driver can incur a fine ranging from $100 to $1000. Furthermore, knowingly operating a commercial vehicle without insurance constitutes a Class D felony, carrying a hefty fine of up to $5000 and a potential prison term of up to 5 years.

Additional Penalties for Lack of Insurance

A conviction for driving a commercial vehicle without insurance results in added penalties. These penalties may include suspension of your driver’s license and vehicle registration for up to one month for first convictions or up to six months for subsequent convictions. You can only retrieve your driver’s license once you confirm insurance coverage for all your registered vehicles and pay a $175 restoration fee. If you have insurance but fail to present proof, you may face a fine of up to $50.

Knowing the implications of not having insurance should encourage drivers to obtain adequate coverage. For residents in the Manchester, CT area, contact us at Brent Young Agency LLC to learn how to get the auto insurance you require. Give us a call today.

Are Commercial Insurance Policies Necessary for One-Person Companies?

Our team at Brent Young Agency LLC can help Manchester, CT businesses like yours get commercial insurance that makes sense. But what if you’re a one-person company? Do you really need insurance? Let’s take a look at what kind of policies make the most sense for your needs.

Yes, You Need Business Insurance 

Just because your business is small, that doesn’t mean you can go without insurance. In fact, there’s an argument that commercial policies are even more important when your business is tiny! Just think of it this way. If you don’t have a policy, who’s going to pay for problems with your company? 

That’s right: you will, right out of your pocket. As a result, you need to get an insurance policy that makes sense for you to ensure you protect yourself from various issues.

How It Helps You 

Great commercial insurance can help you with a myriad of different business-related issues and ensure that your facility stays safe. There are many factors that you need to consider in this case to keep yourself safe, including:

  • Liability: When you suffer liability problems, you need an insurance policy that protects you.
  • Damages: If your home or office gets damaged, insurance can help pay for business-related repairs.
  • Auto Protection: Using your business vehicle for company needs? You should have insurance.
  • Business Loss: Have you lost business due to serious problems with your facility? Insurance helps.

We’re the Team for You

If you’re ready to get the commercial policy that makes sense for you, contact us at Brent Young Agency LLC to get the policy your Manchester, CT company needs. It’s a smart idea to protect yourself in this way, so make sure that you get the help that you deserve from a team that you can afford.

Protecting Your Home Against Fire

Your home insurance with Brent Young Agency LLC serving Manchester, CT covers fire, but the best scenario is to avoid this catastrophe altogether.

Here are some helpful tips for protecting your home against fire in a range of situations:

Practice Electrical Safety

Electrical hazards cause a worrying number of home fires every year. Practice electrical safety in your home:

  • Don’t overload outlets.
  • Don’t run extension cords under rugs.
  • Use surge protectors on electronic devices.

Use Heaters Carefully

In Connecticut, the use of portable heaters is quite common.

  • Keep portable heaters at least three feet away from anything that can burn.
  • Turn off heaters when leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Have heaters inspected annually.

Have Routine Home Maintenance

Regular home maintenance is an essential part of fire prevention.

  • Have heating ducts cleaned at least once a year.
  • Have chimneys cleaned once a year before the cold season.
  • Replace damaged electrical outlets.

Use Safe Cooking Practices

Kitchen fires are also quite common but can be avoided with these tips:

  • Never leave the kitchen when something is cooking on the cooktop.
  • Use timers for baking.
  • Don’t leave the house while baking, even for a minute.

Install Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers

This simple step could save lives as well as property.

  • Place smoke alarms on every level of your home, including the basement and near sleeping areas.
  • Test smoke alarms monthly and replace batteries annually.
  • Install fire extinguishers in key areas such as the kitchen, garage, and near fireplaces.

Practice Outdoor Fire Safety

Outdoor living spaces add quality of life but represent another risk of fire.

  • Keep grills, fire pits, and generators at least 10 feet away from the house.
  • Regularly clean the grill and check for gas leaks.
  • Observe local ordinances when burning yard waste.

Need Home Insurance? Consult With Us

These are all simple ways to ensure your family and your home are protected as much as possible from the dangers of fire. Contact Brent Young Agency LLC serving Manchester, CT today, for more helpful ways to protect your home against fire. We look forward to serving your needs!