What is Collision Automobile Coverage?

Connecticut is an at-fault state, meaning you must carry insurance to pay for the other driver’s medical expenses and property loss in the event of an accident determined to be your fault. A minimum of $25,000 is required per person and $50,000 per wreck for injuries, while $25,000 is needed for property damage coverage. 

Collision insurance is not mandated in Manchester, CT, though many lenders will require you to purchase it as part of full coverage indemnification while you maintain a balance. 

Collision Automobile Coverage Can Protect You

There are many scenarios where collision insurance can protect your interests, as it specifically extends to circumstances where you come into contact with another object. You may, for example, hit another person’s bumper and need to fix damage to your car as a result. Ask a Brent Young Agency LLC agent for more information specific to your situation. 

In a situation where you roll your vehicle, you may be eligible for benefits. In addition, you may hit a guardrail, a light pole, a mailbox, or other stationary items. Your liability insurance takes care of the other party’s expenses when you cause an accident, but collision insurance pays for yours. 

Collision insurance gives you peace of mind if you’re driving a newer car that would be costly to fix. You are responsible for paying the deductible before this indemnification kicks in, so give consideration to how much out-of-pocket expense you wish to incur.

Typically, a lower deductible results in a higher premium and a lower cap will lessen your monthly outlay for insurance. Collision insurance can usually be purchased with or without full coverage protection. 

We Are Here to Assist You 

Brent Young Agency LLC aims to serve Manchester, CT residents with their insurance needs, and we invite you to reach out to us to find out more today.